Topics in Internal Medicine is now Current Challenges in Primary Care!
Services Provided: Full Service Planning
Budget Management, Venue Logistics and Contract/Price Negotiations, Speaker Management and Travel Arrangements, Promotion, Publicity, and Marketing, Program Graphic Design, Exhibit and Sponsorship Acquisition and Coordination, Food and Beverage Planning, Set Up and Break Down, Program and Speaker Evaluations, Speaker Expense Reimbursement, Comprehensive Review, CME Credit and Certificate Administration
Client Since: 2004
Average Attendance: 50
UF’s Current Challenges in Primary Care was created to meet the needs of busy clinicians for the most authoritative and current information on health promotion, prevention, and disease management. The conference is programmed to afford maximal opportunity for attendees to interact with our faculty. Expert clinicians discuss the latest diagnostic and therapeutic developments in the management of heart disease, behavioral health, musculoskeletal disorders, women’s health, and diabetes. Our faculty discuss “real world” patient cases and current controversies within each topic area. Our highly experienced faculty are carefully selected for excellence in teaching.