Services Provided: Full Service Planning
Budget Management, Venue Logistics and Contract/Price Negotiations, Speaker Management and Travel Arrangements, Promotion, Publicity, and Marketing, Program Graphic Design, Exhibit and Sponsorship Acquisition and Coordination, Food and Beverage Planning, Set Up and Break Down, Program and Speaker Evaluations, Speaker Expense Reimbursement, Comprehensive Review, CME Credit and Certificate Administration
Client Since: 2018
Average Attendance: 30
2022 Date: March 19, 2022
The First Annual UF Health Fertility Preservation Symposium, Before and After: Fertility Preservation and Quality Reproductive Survivorship is designed to describe the basic science advances in fertility preservation and restoration. It will also bring attention to reproductive risks of cancer therapy and options to help survivors build a family after treatment. Attendees will be walked through current and updated guidelines in male and female cancer survivors as well as the most current strategies for fertility preservation.