Opioid Courses

If you are looking for a 2 hour Controlled Substance Prescribing Course to meet the Florida Board of Medicine requirement in order to renew your Florida medical license, please click here:

Florida Statute requires all physicians who are registered with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency and authorized to prescribe controlled substances to complete a board approved 2-hour course on prescribing controlled substances in order to renew their Florida medical license. University of Florida been approved by the Board to provide this course.

If you are looking for 8 hours of opioid training to meet MATE Act requirements in order to renew your DEA license, please click here:

The MATE Act requires new or renewing DEA licensees, as of June 27, 2023, to have completed a total of at least 8 hours of training on opioid or other substance use disorders and the appropriate treatment of pain in order to obtain a new DEA license or renew their current DEA license.