Services Provided: Full Service Planning
Budget Management, Venue Logistics and Contract/Price Negotiations, Speaker Management and Travel Arrangements, Abstract Collection, Poster Coordination, Promotion, Publicity, and Marketing, Program Graphic Design, Exhibit and Sponsorship Acquisition and Coordination, Food and Beverage Planning, Set Up and Break Down, Program and Speaker Evaluations, Speaker Expense Reimbursement, Comprehensive Review, CME Credit and Certificate Administration
Client Since: 2017
Average Attendance: 125
2022 Date: June 10, 2022
This isn’t your typical conference. Sessions are interactive and centered around the sharing of ideas. This full day conference is for anyone and everyone working to improve primary care – medical assistants, nurses, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, administrators, students, residents, fellows, IT specialists, receptionists, physical and occupational therapists, physician assistants and physicians. The aim is to create a collaborative space in which the primary care community can share and learn from each other’s innovative practices and ideas.