CME that Counts for MOC

The American Board of Medical Specialties certifying boards have recently aligned their criteria for certain Maintenance of Certifications with the ACCME’s Accreditation Criteria, meaning that your accredited CME activity could meet the requirements for offering MOC with just a few additional requirements.

Board that are currently participating in CME that Counts for MOC are:

  • American Board of Anesthesiology (ABA)
  • American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM)
  • American Board of Ophthalmology (ABO)
  • American Board of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery (ABOHNS)
  • American Board of Pathology (ABPath)
  • American Board of Pediatrics (ABP)
  • American Board of Surgery (ABS)

To Apply:

For Previously Approved CME Activities

Please fill out the MOC Credit Application Form

For New CME Activities

As you are filling out the CME Application, you will be asked if you would like to apply for MOC Credit and you will be directed to fill out the MOC Credit Application Form at that time.


Speaker Feedback

All speakers of the activity will be required to provide the best “next steps” for learners. They will be asked “Please provide one key takeaway from your CME Session: What should learners do differently in their practices after participating in your presentation?”. Feedback will be compiled and sent to participants upon completion of the activity.

All feedback must be submitted to the CME Office 48 hours in advance of the activity for MOC Credit to be administered for your activity/session. No exceptions will be made to this timeline.

Recognition Statement & Participation Threshold

The board specific MOC recognition statement needs to be on the marketing materials and/or flyer for the activity. The board specific statement will be included in your approval letter.

The following minimum participation threshold statement and link to the evaluation (provided by your CME Contact – see below) must be on the on-site handouts for conferences or the flyer for your RSS activity:

“Requirements for Successful Completion: Participation in the live educational activity and completion of the MOC Participant Evaluation Form within one week of the activity completion date.”

Participant Evaluation

Your CME Contact will provide you with the unique link to your activity’s MOC Participant Evaluation Form. This will be provided only if the above requirements are fulfilled (approval of activity application, feedback from speakers, and recognition statement & participation threshold disclosed).

In order to receive MOC Credit and for the credit to be reported, participants must fill out the MOC Participant Evaluation Form within one week after the completion of the activity. Late requests cannot be made for MOC after this time frame.