In light of the current educational environment, our office is now offering planning services for Virtual Events! We can provide guidance on how to convert your in-person event to a creative and engaging virtual event, as well as assistance in executing the logistical aspects of your current virtual or online educational offering.
Internet Live Course
Internet Live Courses are virtual events (Zoom Conferences) that usually take place on a scheduled day and time, include a live presentation from a speaker, and live Q&A from participants.
Internet Enduring Material
Internet Enduring Material are courses offered for an extended period of time for participants to complete at their own pace, lectures are pre-recorded, and can have various tracks and modules.
Services Available for Internet Live Courses
- Pre-Conference Planning Meeting
- CME and Other CE Credit Services
- Budget Management
- Grant Acquisition and Coordination
- Website Creation and Management
- Promotion, Publicity, and Marketing
- Graphic Design
- Online Registration
- Speaker and Attendee Management
- Zoom Set Up, Guidance, and Instructional Guide Creation and Distribution
- CME Credit and Certificate Administration
- Record Maintenance
Services Available for Internet Enduring Material
- Pre-Conference Planning Meeting
- CME and Other CE Credit Services
- Budget Management
- Grant Acquisition and Coordination
- Website Creation and Management
- Promotion, Publicity, and Marketing
- Graphic Design
- Online Registration
- Speaker and Attendee Management
- Canvas (UF eLearning) Course Set Up and Maintenance
- CME Credit and Certificate Administration
- Record Maintenance